Mission Statement
Canine Link Therapy Dogs trains and certifies therapy dog teams to enrich lives in their communities.
(We are) Dedicated to community engagement, support and healing through interaction with our volunteer handler and dog teams. We pride ourselves on bringing joy and comfort to area schools, hospitals, care facilities and beyond.
Our 501(c)(3) non profit organization provides not only the initial hands-on training and certification for therapy dogs and their handlers, but continued support, guidance and annual recertification for our teams.
About Canine Link
What Do Canine Link Teams Do?
How Can My Dog And I Become A Canine Link Team?
After an initial evaluation, volunteers and their dogs are certified as Canine Link teams by graduating from our eight sessions of beginner and advanced therapy training program. Your dog must be healthy, loving, have a good temperament, and be at least 1 year old. Handlers and their dogs must display an understanding of basic obedience. No dogs with fear or reactivity towards humans or other dogs can be accepted into class.
For more information, please contact Executive Director Honor Blume email: CanineLinkTherapyDogs@gmail.com – phone: 855-595-4651.